MaxAirTM Gallery

In June of 2016 we made a cross country trip and used the MaxAir fin like a traveling gnome Tweeting all the way. It was a lot of fun finding off beat Americana. Here are the images. Enjoy.

SCUBA divers and snorklers can now look forward to extending their dive time by using the MaxAirTM swim fin.
Development of a quality fin of this type requires countless hours of testing. Here we have a few of the images captured during the process.
Bonaire December 2012
This is one of the best dive islands we have been to. It may seem odd but the best dives we had were right off the dock at Divi Flamingo. It wasn't that the coral was that exotic or the fish that abundant but there was quite a variety. From poking around in shallows to over 60'. There was even a small wreck. Turtles, rays, tarpon, lionfish, octopus, and a hoard of other smaller fish. All this within 300' of home base. Muck diving was great right under the dock.
And the dock made it real nice. Individual dive lockers under a roof made the whole process simple. Grab a tank, don your gear, and dive. It was diving completely on our own schedule. No rush. No wait. Just dive.
Of course the crew at Divi Dive there was wonderful.
As for fin testing. We had a week of open water work with only 2 pair of fins. and they performed flawlessly. On the boat dives, where most divers hit the 500 psi mark, it was rare for me to surface with less than 1000 psi. I was usually first in and always last out.

2013 Mini Maker Faire
If you like seeing how people make things on their own you have to visit a Maker Faire. The 2013 Orlando Mini Maker Faire (mini because it only had over a hundred exhibitors) was held October 5th in the Orlando Science Center. TECreation was there to show how swim fins can be made from basic materials and with the use of 3D modeling, rapid prototyping, and urethane casting they can be made to look and act like the real thing.

2015 DEMA
At DEMA in Orlando I added my voice to 150 others who shared their story on how they got into scuba.